Yummly 101
If you aren’t Yumming, you should be! Yummly is like the Disney World of online recipes. Seriously, any recipe you could ever wish for will likely be found on Yummly. Consider it the biggest and best online cookbook ever.
Here’s How Yummly Works
Yummly is like your very own digital recipe box. See a recipe you like? Yum it by clicking the Yum button at the beginning and end of every recipe post on this site and many others. Yummly allows you to categorize your saved recipes and even better, you can search their database of literally a million recipes not just by ingredient, but by taste, diet, allergies, cuisines and cooking technique. Need a super fast, French chicken recipe to fit your gluten-free diet? Yummly’s your go to! Find a recipe you like? Give it a click and you’ll have a handy ingredients list so you’ll know just what to grab at the supermarket.
Yummly also makes it easy to find recipes from your favorite websites and bloggers (hint hint). If you find recipes you love on CookingClarified.com it’s easy to add them to your Yums by clicking the Yum button at the beginning and end of each post. Each contributor to the site has their own profile page where you can scroll through every single recipe they’ve shared all in one place. No more trying to remember where you found that awesome chili recipe! Just Yum it and it’ll be at your fingertips whenever you’re jonesin’ for it.
Check out the Cooking Clarified page for all your favorites and put that search engine to use finding fantastic recipes from thousands of other foodies. You’ll have access to more recipes than you can imagine with gorgeous photos of each recipe to boot! It’s all there waiting for you, so start Yumming today!
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